Nowadays, Cheese Cake Factory have many branch that can reach your location. From those branch, I often go to Cikini and Tebet branch. Saya mengenal Cheese Cake Factory sudah cukup lama. Udah kaya sahabat aja hohoho... Cheese Cake Factory 1st I know was located in a small store near SMU 26 still in Tebet. Di ruko gitu rada masuk ke dalam with a small signboard also. Now they developed into a big cake shop.
Cikini branch punya store yang cukup luas. Terbagi atas 2 level. First level terdapat deretan display roti, kue dan ice cream. Dengan tempat yang lumayan luas, memudahkan pelanggan untuk memilih kue-kue dengan leluasa. Untuk Tebet branch, tempat nya lebih kecil. Split in 3 level (if i can say that0> Mungkin karena keterbatasan tempat juga, jadi tekstur bangunan nya seperti berundak-undak. Jika sedang ramai pengunjung sedikit sulit untuk memilih cakes. Tempat parkir yang tersedia juga sangat sempit. Only max 7 cars. Yaa sejago-jagi nya tukang parkir nya aja deehh... Ke dua cabang tersebut ada area outdoor nya. Kalo sedang mampir kesini sore hari coba deh di outdoor. Tapi sayang maintenance outdoor nya ga se-oke indoor nya. Kursi yang terbuat dari rotan itu, seringkali terlihat masih berdebu.
Soal makanan, Cheese Cake Factory mempunyai menu yang beragam. Mulai cake, burger, pasta, soup salad and pastries.
Chicken sandwich |
This chicken sandwich porsi nya lumayan mengenyangkan. Daging ayam nya di goreng tepung dengan homemade sauce (yang seperti nya made from tomato). Disajikan bersama french fries dan salad.
Fettuccine Mushroom (45k) |
Fettuccine Mushroom taste really great. Tekstur Fettuccine nya kenyal, cream sauce nya pas, means tidak terlalu kental dan juga tidak terlalu encer. Ditambah dengan jamur dan kacang polong, it suit for Veggie peoples.
Lasagna |
What I loved about this Lasagna was beside the taste was great, they give generous sauce. Setiap layer Lasagna nya di penuhi irisan daging yang empu. Kulit Lasagna nya juga lembut, plus the melted cheese on top make me want to eat more and more yuummm...
Chicken Cordon Bleu |
Chicken Cordon Bleu di Cheese Cake Factory berbetuk agak lonjong. Merupakan daging ayam yang berisi lapisan daging asap dan melted cheese. Disajikan bersama fettuccine dan salad. Surely u feel full oaded after meal. The taste was good. The chicken texture was crisp outside and tender inside.
Untuk sekedar cemal cemil, Cheese Cake Factory juga menyediakan beberapa pilihan yang hard to resist.
Nachose |
Nachose taste so so. Fried corn tortilla chips with bolognaise beef on top. Served with chili corn carne sauce
Buffalo wings (35k) & Fried Mushroom (38k) |
Buffalo Chicken Wings taste good. Disajikan dengan barbeque sauce. 1 porsi berisi 5 pieces buffalo wings. Fried Mushroom really juicy. I kinda like this side dish. Tektur jamur nya masih fresh Meanwhile the skin was really crisp. Disajikan dengan tartar sauce.
Chocolate Cake |
This Chocolate Cake was so great. For those choco lover gonna love this cake. Chocolate Cake disajikan with chocolate sauce. Pour it on top your cake... dijamin makan nya bisa sampe keje-kejep like me *blushing*
Cheese Cake Factory juga menyediakan alcohol drink. from wine to liqueur. Taste great for after meal.
Overall, I love dine in Cheese Cake Factory. This was somekind a 1 shop store. Often buy cakes also when there's someone get birthday. The price also still reasonable. With a great service start when we come in 'till the end. Worth ti try
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