As a person who work in Sabang area, i'm so curious when pass through a new restaurant that have a very flashy sign board, it called Eatology. Because of my curiosity, so I drag my hubby to eat in this place.
Eatology at night |
The ambiance is so great. It's a semi outdoor restaurant, yang terbagi atas 2 area, smoking and non-smoking. When me & my hubby came, the server took us to inside room. Padahal kirain tadi nya kita bisa duduk di sofa depan with transparent ceiling on top. Kaya nya keren gituu... Ruangan dalam nya terdiri dari sederet sofa dan meja di pinggir dan usual dining table in the middle. Yang menarik perhatian saya adalah, sederetan botol minuman sebagai hiasan dinding. Also there's something interesting in Eatology. They have an open kitchen. So we can see the Chef cook our dishes.

For the food, since this is a new restaurant and i'm not familiar with the menu. so I asked the server what signature dish in this place? He suggested me to order "Wet" Kansas City Style Bbq Beef Short Ribs Platter (125k). So it's a bunch of ribs, beef and pour with bbq sauce or Full House Platter (99k) that contain Ribs, Chicken, and Backbone (am i right?) with bbq sauce, also burger bun and coleslaw as a side dish. I picked the Full House Platter. Why? Karena sebelum nya saya sempat dibuat ngences se-ember liat penampakan menu ini di FB teman saya.
Full House Platter (99k) |
This Full House Platter size was quite big. But unfortunately, they served it cold. Jika saja tersaji sedikit lebih hangat, maka bbq sauce nya akan jauh lebih terasa blend in to the meat.
Argentinian Burger (92k) |
First thing when I saw this kind of burger, i said.. "woooww... ini burger apa bantal?" Bener deh, bukan karena saya lebay, tapi burger ini besar banget. Berisi a big patty, chopped meat, a very generous melted cheese an veggies. There's also french fries as a side dish. The taste is good. All cooked well.
Not to forget, if you klik the 'like' button on their facebook page or you mention Eatology on twitter, u'll get free dessert.
Mention for Free Dessert |
Soes with Ice Cream filling n Chocolate syrup |
Get this
Soes with Ice Cream filling n Chocolate syrup if you mention about Eatology. Meski cuma saya yang mention Eatology, tapi tetep loh they give two free dessert for me and hubby... how generous *peluk* #lebay. Rasa nya menurut saya biasa saja. The puff pastry not so smooth. Because the filling is ice cream, eat quick before it melted.
Ice Thai Tea (19k) |
This Ice Thai Tea really good. Campuran antara teh dan susu nya sangat pas. Love it.
The menu |
Overall this place great to hangout. Have a great service with a great server with good product knowledge.
Eatology. Jl. H. Agus Salim No. 22 D-E Jakarta Pusat | Telp: 021 319 30518 | Buka: Pkl. 11.00-Pkl. 23.00 WIB (Senin-Jumat), Pkl. 07.00-Pkl. 23.00 WIB (Sabtu-Minggu)
Bah, mahal ya ternyata makanannya setara Q Smoke Housenya hihi