On weekend, me & my girlfriends went to coffee shop. Actually, this was some kind our ritual after meal Hohoho...
Coffee Club is in 3rd Floor Pacific Place Mall. Tempat nya memang rada di pojok. But the place sign name pretty big in front door. There are 2 sitting area, indoor the shop and outside (tepat nya infront the shop atau di jalanan). Untuk yang tidak suka menghisap bau asap rokok, sebaik nya take in outside area.
Suasana didalam Coffee Club didominasi warna coklat. Dengan interior berupa pohon-pohon kering, Coffee Club terasa sangat nyaman and nice place to hangout.
Coffee Club |
Coffee Club |
Open bar at Coffee Club |
Ketika duduk, kami diberikan buku menu yang menurut saya interesting. I thought the server gave magazine or booklet hahaha... Ternyata it was the menu book
Menu book |
Coffee Club menyajikan finest coffee from all over the place, baik lokal mau pun non lokal. But since i don't drink coffee any longer (kadang masih suka bandel siihh... sruput doang kookk), so I ordered Mixberry. It's some kind like smoothies on top and syrup in bottom. Dengan buah berry yang melimpah diatas nya, minuman ini terasa sangat menyegarkan. Asam-asam manis gitu deehh... For those who like sourm taste this.
Mixberry |
My friend ordered Avocado Coffee Chocolate. The taste really great. Campuran antara avocado, coffee and chocolate make this drink worth to try. Cocok untuk ngga terlalu suka kopi but want to taste a flavor of coffee. Me love this.
Avocado Coffee Chocolate |
Another freshening drink was Peach Lychee Ice Tea. Ice tea nya berasa peach segar ditambah dengan buah lychee yang besar-besar. Wooww... love it.
Peach Lychee Ice Tea |
Untuk cemal-cemil we ordered Nachos. The taste was so so. Contained salsa sauce and mozzarella cheese.
Nachos |
Overall, for hangout this place is good. Really nice place with a good service. The drinks and food also not bad. Just try it.
Wif The Girls at Coffee Club |
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