29 April 2014



Senopati Area keep bombing with the new join of restaurants and cafes. So many kind of food you can find in Senopati. Heard from a friend, that there's new Burger place that worth to visit. I love burger, but not a big fan of it. But since she said that I have to try it, then it make me curious.

Ladies  & Gents... please welcome the new comer in town, Three Buns Burger.  First stepped in to the Three Buns Burger area, I was so stunning. Amazed with the place. Pretty spacious with wooden dominated all over the place. It feel so earthy and felt like dining outside.

We're welcome by the rustic van that painted with blue and white paint with bulldog heads as a logo topped of it. This van actually use for the order place. So quite unique. Just like ordering food from food truck like I saw on TV hehehe...

So surprise when I steeped in into the dining area. The server soon welcoming us with a bit sad face. He sad the place is full packed that time and the air is so damn hot. Yeepp... my eyes quick scanning into the whole area, and yes it FULL PACKED!! No wonder, since I came here around 1pm, at the lunch time. But since I already came here, so I keep ordered it to take away.

Looking at the situation around, no wonder that the place feel like the oven. The roof is transparent, and that make the sun generously. It felt like burnt until under your skin. Even the air purifier in  every corner didn't help much. If you can deal with heat, than probably the hot weather, not a big deal for you. But if you can't stand with heat, I suggest to come here after 3pm. But still, the decoration and the ambiance had amazed me. Split in to two floor, but still you see all over the place wherever you sit. There are wooden chairs and tables, there are also sitting area "tatami" look like.

After ordering the food in the Van, the cashier will give you the waiting number. This waiting number can be use to take your order when the light number in the board already turn on. It means your order is ready. And you can take your order at the station that none other than their kitchen. I saw Adam Penney, Three Buns chef working like a ninja. He prepared customer orders to the perfect.

Double Prime 100g Beef Patties, Double Cheese, Triple Onions, Lettuce, Pickles, Ketchup & Den Miso Mayo.
Since its lunch hour, so I ordered the Four Floors. It the big, gigantic and massive burger here. Yeeaahh... I know that picture not so pretty and look messy. But from the greasy look come out the scrumptious taste. The smooth and soft bun filled with double patty. The patty... OMG!! It so juicy and fatty. They cooked it in Medium level. But you still can customize it if you want to. In this Four Floors there are TWO fatty patty that have 100g each! Imagine how full is that after you eat this. The ketchup and den miso mayo was not too overpowering. It has a great balance. So it's not cover up the patty taste. The miso mayo taste quite unique. With a a savory, tangy, a bit sweet. It kick till the end. Make the whole Burger taste more amazing.

Overall, my experience dining in Three Buns Burger was really great. I wish I can order for more and experience more taste of Three Buns Burger. Still drooling look at their others menu.

Three Buns - Burger and Heads  
Jl. Senopati Raya No. 90 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12190
021 - 2930 7780  
Opening Hours: 11 AM - 12 PM


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