10 April 2014


MAGNOFFEE by Magnum Cafe Jakarta

A view days ago, I was invited to taste a new menu from Magnum Cafe Jakarta. I remember my first visit to Magnum Cafe along time ago with my friends. Since then, I always impressed with what they have on their menu. That's why I'm so excited when Magnum have something new coming up.

The Magnum Cafe suddenly became full packed that day. Packed with bloggers, media and Magnum Cafe customers. The event  begin with a nice chit-chat with Toni Wahid as a coffee expert and enthusiast also with Riri Odang who is a Senior Brand Manager of Magnum. First I met Tony Wahid at Starbucks Reserve launching a view weeks ago. Not get a chance to get close to know him.

Based on today's theme which is "my coffee, my way" Magnum Cafe want to introduce us, how to blend an ice cream with a coffee. It's up to you actually. Whether you like just dip the ice cream into the coffee or eat it separately. Before that, Toni Wahid thought us how to make a great espresso. Just blend 10gram of of coffee with 150ml a hot water.

Since the star of the show is the Ice Cream and the coffee, so Toni Wahid also thought us how to blend an ice cream into the espresso and become it into Affogato.Toni gave us a tip, cut the ice cream 1st into a small pieces to make you easy in stirring it. But it is okay also if you just want to dip it, just remember, "my coffee, my way".

In this event, we also got a chance to make our own creation of Magnoffee. We separated into 4 groups to make our own style of affogato.  They already prepare the ingredients for us to use. Those are milk, sugar, brown sugar, simple syrup, cinnamon, whipped cream and of course the Magnum ice Cream and the coffee. There are mini Magnum, Classic & Almond.

And here are some of masterpieces from bloggers mates...

And these below are professional made. After seeing what Magnum made, not too different with my bloggers mate made hehehhe... To make your own Magnoffee, there's only one key, just your unlimited imagination.


During the event, Magnum Cafe also served us their lil' bites with a decent taste. I like the mushroom most.

Overall, the event was pretty nice. I've got the  new experience about coffee. Magnum Cafe peoples are always a very nice person. Thanks for having me that day Magnum. See you in other event.

Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, 6th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin No.1, Thamrin


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