17 April 2013


Steakology - with Openrice

A view weeks ago I attended to the event that held by Openrice and Steakology. Actually, I've been here before. But I expect for another menu from Steakology that I never been try before. Plus, we're going to meet one of Steakology owner. Can't hardly wait... First of all, sorry for the bad picture quality. I run out my battery camera before my works done. Forgetful me to charge it before...

Steakology placed in Tebet Raya area. The area that I know very well. Since I just need to blink my eyes from my mother-in-law house. I first know about this  restaurant because I often passing through in this area. Steakology have 2 floors area. The interior took park theme. With wooden furniture and leaves hanging on their ceiling. Quite good though. Second floor, I think good for private area or those whose  come in a group. Big room, great for hang out.

The event begin with quick speech from one of the owner, the famous Metro TV anchor, Prabu Revolusi *wink-wink He explained about Steakology history. You know what? Steakology name came out after one of the owner and also Chef of Steakology, Chef Dimas explained about the consistency of every sauce. They said, Chef Dimas looks like teacher in class who explained things to student hohoho... That the 1st time Steakology came out. So ear catching.

Prabu Revolusi - One of The Owner
Enough speak about the restaurant. I bet you can't hardly wait to scroll down for Steakology menus.

The Steak

Chicken Steak
Medium – IDR 45.000
Big – IDR 55.000
Chicken Steak was what I had that day. It looked gorgeous outside. But when I tasted it, sorry to say... the steak a bit chewy, not so tender and lost it juiciness. The steak came out with veggies salad  that stir in a good way. Not overcooked. Love it. For side dish there's french fries also.

Tenderloin Steak
Small – IDR 60.000
Medium – IDR 70.000
Big – IDR  80.000
A bit surprise when I taste this tenderloin steak. Because it totally different than the last time I had one. This time the steak more juicy, more tender and the herbs more tasty. Paired with mashed potato. Eventhough, the mashed potato still there's still some flakes, probably it didn't mashed well. But it forgiven with the seasoning. The veggies also still fresh & not overcooked. This tenderloin steak become my favorite that night.

Sirloin Steak
Small – IDR 50.000
Medium – IDR 60.000
Big – IDR 70.000
Sorry for a blurry picture. Guess I'm too mouthwatering with the steak hehehhe...  Sirloin steak also a bit chewy and not too juicy. Paired with fresh veggies and french fries.

Seven Wonders Sauce

Seven Wonders Sauce - IDR 5.000

What make Steakology different with other similar steak restaurant is that Steakology have many varieties of sauce that they called with 7 Wonders Sauce. We usually only know Mushroom or Blackpepper  for the sauce. But Steakology have many more. Steakology give an effect explanation after eating their sauce. Dunno whether it's true or not, but it's quite funny to read. Below the description.

A very romantic sauce made 1st time in France. The texture is creamy with sour & savory taste. Made from melted butter, egg yolk, vinegar and spices
Effect : suddenly melancholic
My Thought : I like the sour & savory taste. This one of my favorite.

First made for steak in 1864. This creamy sauce made from mushroom, butter, cream pepper and spices.
Effect : comforting
My Thought : the mushroom chunk pretty big. Not to milky, Seasoned well. It's good.

Some history said this 1st found by the Colombus. Made from tomato paste, vinegar, liquid smoke, pepper and sugar.
Effect : Freedom Sensation 
My Thought : This one is good too. The texture a bit thick.

Sauce made from jalapeno, mustard, tobasco other spices sounds eccentric because its name taken from rattles snake type.
Effect : dropdead gorgeous (suddenly I take my mirror hehehe)
My Thought :  This one is my other favorite sauce. The spiciness blew me away.

Teriyaki is a cooking technique from Japan, Heated or Grill. Made from soy sauce, Japanese vinegar and sugar with comparison 1:1
Effect : Make you shine bright ( like Rihanna ? )    
My Thought : A bit weird. Too watery. I'm not that shining after eat this sauce hehehe...

Italian sauce typically sauce from Genoa that know since ancient Roman era. Made from basil leaves, olive oil, parmesan cheese and pistachio nut.
Effect : Being Unique personality
My Thought : My 3rd favorite sauce. All blend well.

Black-pepper based sauce, became known   as one of cooking ingredients since 1840 by the European. First used for medical and beauty
Effect : Keep Spirit On
My Thought : Same like other black-pepper sauce I've known. Pretty good.

Dessert Wars

We had a chance to taste the up-coming dessert that Steakology haven't release yet yeeaaiii... I'm so excited hearing about dessert...

Steakology Dessert
Soft and sweet crepes mixed with a bit savory strawberry sauce and sourness of apples. Would be better if Steakology caramelized the apples a lil bit to add more flavor in it. This crepes taste so-so.

Suddenly it became my favorite dessert. Cheese mixed with caramel sauce that taste like melted alpenliebe candy.

Filled with a lot of melted chocolate that spread generously and topped with chocolate sauce. Love it also

They really have too improve this pancake. Not a fluffy pancake. A bit tough also.

A sweet crunchy caramelize banana. Love this one.  

Overall, we're having so much in Steakology. Nice service, nice ambiance and great price to dine. You should to try it y'll... Thanks Steakology and Openrice for having us

The Happy Face
Tebet Raya No 38
Weekday  : 12 - 10 pm
Weekend  : 12 - midnight
For Reservation  : +62-21 83786620


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